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An active discovery.

Whybe a Mother - Your love is my love

Whybe a Mother - Your love is my love

I was on the couch, with my legs hanging over the edge and my shoulders slumped over as I leaned down to grab one of your toys. You were on the ground. As I leaned over, you nestled your tiny little pointer finger into the folds of my soft tummy. You looked up at me and smiled a big grin. “Be be be be” you repeated as you repeatedly prodded at my belly button and cracked up.

In that moment, Kai, you gave me one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received - love for myself.

In that moment, I didn’t suck my stomach in. I didn’t sit up taller so I didn’t have rolls. I didn’t obsessed over my mid-section afterwards.

In that moment, I felt such intense joy. My heart was bursting with happiness because his laughter lights me up from the inside out. The kind of joy I have been craving for my entire life. The kind of joy I have only ever felt in fleeting moments before, never like it was actually tangible for me. He loves me so much. And in his love, I can see and feel the love for myself.

Whybe a Mother - Are you okay?

Whybe a Mother - Are you okay?