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An active discovery.

Whybe a Mother - Hello, baby

Whybe a Mother - Hello, baby

Hello, Baby.

I do not know you know you, but I know you.

I dreamt of you 25 years ago when I was a little girl, I’ve dreamt of you the last 2 months as the news settled in, and I dream about you every day as it gets more and more real. The discovery of you was the birth of me as a mother - something that is so incredibly new and unfamiliar, yet nothing has ever felt this right and correct. I know you, and I’ve always known I would meet this version of me.

I am softer because of you. I am more gentle to myself. I am more aware. I listen more. I am more wonderous, questioning, curious, and full of awe. And for that, you have already given me more than I was able to give myself in 31 years of my life.

I see the world and my surroundings clearer knowing I am preparing a space for you to enter in 7 more months. You are already more loved than you could possibly imagine and I know deep in my soul that that love will expand an infinite amount of times more.

You will have a father waiting for you who is patient, careful, supportive, and thinks of all things. From the moment I told him you were coming into this world, he’s made my life (and yours) full of ease. I am at peace knowing you will be safe with him and us, little Baby.

You will have three fur-siblings to keep you company…and most likely foster fur-siblings down the road. Beau will be by the foot of your crib, and he may not look like he’s paying attention, but he will never leave your side. Laila will take some time to get to know you, but once she realizes she’s got a new best friend, she will be obsessed with you. You just might be the thing that wins Mobitz over and turns her into a cuddler.

While I love this phase of bonding with your dad, and (im)patiently preparing for you to bust out into this world, we cannot wait to create our life. See you in May, 2022 little one.

Whybe a Mother - A part of me, a part of you

Whybe a Mother - A part of me, a part of you

Whybe a Yogi - The Power of Listening

Whybe a Yogi - The Power of Listening